Bill James flies a highly refined example of the Burt Rutan-designed VariEze.
EZ Chronicles follows Bill’s journey through adventures growing up in the vast Texas countryside, as a military pilot, a helicopter cowboy, and building an airplane that carries him into the airlines, aerospace and into the minds of some truly unique, gifted and interesting people.
Dear Mr. James, Over the past couple weeks I have immersed myself in your writings pertaining to your Vari-eze … I am a huge fan of Rutan's designs and finally have the means and time needed to embark on my own build.
- Mike
Bill, I am on a layover in Shanghai. I’ve had my dinner and shower, and on the nightstand is a glass of wine and a couple of your most recent stories printed out. - Cheers.
Bill, That landing - I felt it!
Many stories, articles, notes, and comments are not loaded here yet. They may be found by searching combinations including Bill James, N95BJ, propeller, VariEze, and Long EZ.
Our overall treasure of information can be found at COBA, Canard Owners and Builders Association.